Pre-dug plants available Saturday, Oct. 26, Noon to 4:00

Blueberry Transfer Info:
I have secured a mini excavator for removing planrs. The plants will be removed by row and when the variety you want is available, we will notify you via our website and Facebook. Our varieties include Blue Crop (by far the majority; these will be dug throughout the transplanting season), Reka (the New Zealand variety), Spartan and Duke. We plan to open this Saturday, October 26 from noon to 4:00 for PRE-DUG PLANTS ONLY. Blue Crops and Dukes from the south field will be available. We take cash or checks, not debit or credit cards. For pre-dug plants we need to charge $20 to cover the cost of the equipment and fuel. If you want to dig them (when available) the cost will be $10 each.
Plants will be offered regardless of weather, as they need to be transferred within the dormancy weather window, and before the ground becomes too hard. We will notify you when we have days for you to dig; this will be weather-driven. The soil is so beautiful around the plants that when you raise them from the ground nearly all the soil falls from the root structure; this means the plants will be bare root. You may take a three-to-five-gallon bucket of soil with you to seat the plants in your location.
The hole you need for transfer should be approximately 18 inches deep by 2.5 feet in diameter. You may want to add Rhododendron/azalea fertilizer and peat moss. The plants should be four to five feet apart.
We'll see you in the berry field!
Blueberry Dave and Teri